ApprovalUpon joining Kiidu, caregivers undergo an approval process administered by our affiliated entity, Finder Service Recruitment, Co., Ltd., a reputable recruitment company. This rigorous process ensures that all profiles are screened for inappropriate or inconsistent content before becoming active on Kiidu website.
DetailsCaregivers have the opportunity to showcase their preferences, qualifications, experience, offered services, and availability on their profiles. To aid in your caregiver selection, consider your ideal candidate's characteristics as you browse through Kiidu's listings.
VerificationsAll eligible caregivers must further enhance their credibility by verifying their identity through the Kiidu ID card via the Kiidu Application. Only successfully verified caregivers are allowed to be displayed for employment, having a prominently displayed Kiidu ID card; which adds an extra layer of identity and security validation.
ReportingKiidu employs a robust recruitment team, a subsidiary of Finder Service Recruitment, Co., Ltd., to identify and eliminate fraudulent or inappropriate content from our platform. If you encounter a profile that appears to be fraudulent or inappropriate, we encourage you to report it directly to our Customer Service team, who will prioritize your concerns and aid you in every possible way.