Kiidu Celebrates World Water Day

Today, on March 22, we celebrate the World Water Day! This annual event is celebrated to focus attention on the importance of fresh water and advocates for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.

The World Water Day was first celebrated in 1993 as a result of the United Nation environmental resolution from December 1992.

Since then it is a day to celebrate water. It is a day to make a difference for the members of the global population who suffer from water related issues. It is a day to reflect behaviour and to prepare for how to manage water in the future.

On the World Water Day 2023, we focus on wastewater and ways to reduce and reuse as over 80% of all the wastewater from homes, cities and industries flows back to nature polluting the environment.

Even though the opportunities from exploiting wastewater as a valuable resource for households and industries are enormous.

Let us celebrate the most essential but limited element. The liquid that is vital for all known forms of life and that covers 71% of our planet surface Water.

For humans, water is one of the body most important nutrients. People may survive six weeks without food, but barely one week without water. It is the cornerstone for all body functions, averaging 60% of our body weight.

It helps us not only to keep a constant body temperature, but also it transports nutrients and oxygen to all cells. And, water is truly a liquid asset for healthy diet. It is free from sugar, caffeine, and most importantly calories.

How much Water do Children Need?

The daily amount of water that children need depends on various factors like the age, weight and gender. The activity level and the health circumstances do play additional key roles.

It is difficult to give a general advice, since living circumstances like the regional climate varies. The recommendations below are set for generally healthy children living in temperate climates. They might not be perfect, but still they can be seen as a benchmark.

The recommendations in the chart are for total water. They therefore include drinking water, other beverages and food.

To apply the given advice correctly you should always mention the current circumstances. You need to pay special attention to your child water consumption when he or she is physically active.

On this special day, we at Kiidu want you to think about your own water consumption. You might have access to drinking water, but there are people who do not.

Esteem your situation, which is certainly not caused by privilege but luck. Think about the environment and try to make use of your wastewater. There are enough opportunities to make use of it. Water is most valuable, let us treat it that way.

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