Find out when your baby might walk, talk, crawl, grasp objects, and hit other fantastic firsts from birth to 6 months, and from 7 to 18 months. All Cute Baby Milestones in Baby’s first year are special, but some are especially sweet.

Cute Baby Milestones to Celebrate

Smiling (from 1 to 2 months)

A smile shows off your child’s newfound social savvy. She’s starting to understand the positive emotions a happy face conveys.

Encourage her by smiling at her as often as you can and, of course, acting surprised and pleased when she smiles back.

Laughing (from 4 to 6 months)

Laughter is instinctive, but it’s also something your baby has to learn. By this age, he’s heard other people laughing many times, and he’s gained enough control over his vocal cords to realize it’s something he can do too.

Don’t be surprised if he laughs like a dolphin at first, the reason: His larynx is still small and floppy, and he doesn’t have good control over it.

Blowing Kisses (from 10 to 12 months)

Your baby can now send you plenty of smooches. Just being able to bring her hand to her mouth is a big development.

At birth, her arm muscles were contracted and her hands were in fists. By about 8 months, everything had loosened up enough so she could hold a bottle.

Baby’s first steps (from 9 to 15 months)

Every child follows the same sequence of stages. At first, they sit up, then they are pulling to a stand, and finally they are cruising (make his way around the room using whatever furniture is available).

Early or late walking may provide clues to your child’s personality, that can also be influenced by size: bigger babies often walk later because they need more strength to get upright than a smaller baby does. Walking child really changes everything for parents, in terms of keeping kids safe and entertained.

Dancing (from 14 to 16 months)

Don’t expect to see the moonwalk or the Macarena just yet actually, the most your child will probably do is bop up and down while keeping her feet planted on the ground. She may even hold onto a chair or your legs for support. Dance along to encourage her.

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