Managing working hours and motherhood is quite a challenge, you want time for your family and also time for your business, especially if you are an entrepreneur. Here are some tips to manage your time and to get the flex time you want at work!
The Steps
- First, ask around and go prepared: find out how your co-workers got their flexible work approved. If you donat know someone at your office, ask a friend who has flexible hours. And before you ask, your proposed schedule needs to be manageable for you employer, you should show you employer that you can get the job done by managing your time
- Second, prioritize your short and long-term goals: spend some time evaluating your goals, decide which are critically important and non-negotiable, and which you’re willing to let go or negotiate. You should define whether you want to work part-time or a on flexible full-time schedule, or do you want to work out of the home, the office or some combination? You would want to ask what is your ideal (realistic) salary/hourly/per project requirement?
- Finally, present creative solutions: whether it as compressing your workweek, shifting your hours, or going part-time, BE CREATIVE ! For telecommuting schedule, present several options. Perhaps, for example, you work three days at home and two in the office, four and one or one-half day home and one-half day at work.
You can also try job share: do you work with an employee who might job-share with you? If so, brainstorm with the employee before you sit down with your boss. Present a convincing argument for why this will work and then do whatever it takes, to make it work.
They are ways to make your job better fit your family life. If you want to negotiate for a flexible job schedule with your employer. So, be bold, be creative, be organized, be enthusiastic and you’re more likely to get a win-win job schedule.