You have kids, your life is busy and you need a helping hand. So you have started looking for a qualified & trustworthy nanny, received resumes, interviewed applicants and checked their references. But how do you tell which one is the best nanny?
The nanny’s experience is what matters the most. Experienced nannies really know their work inside-out, what works and what doesn’t.
Safety training is the second most important quality, ensuring your nanny knows how to ensure your child’s safety and how to deal in emergencies. Third, a background in early childhood development is also a plus.
After making your decision, try your nanny for a few days. Spend this time at home and make notes how she’s doing (but don’t forget to pay your nanny for her time).
Signs of a Good Nanny You Should Know
Bringing your kids into the interview is also a great opportunity to assess how your nanny is going to interact with your children. You can use the following ideas to help assess how good your candidate or current nanny is.
Your nanny solves problems with creativity and imagination. For example, If your child runs out of paint, your nanny will find other means to create lovely art. Or if you child can’t sleep, your nanny will turn to you and ask for your help and suggestions. She takes her job seriously, solves challenges proactively and cooperates with you.
Accidents rarely happen. Your nanny emphasizes safety at all times. Young children are prone to accidents but your nanny is vigilant and knows well what to do in order to prevent accidents from happening.
She teaches your child to look at both sides before crossing the street and holds hands while crossing it. She keeps a close eye on your child, looks for potential dangers, like a hot oven, uncovered electricity plugs etc.
Should your nanny drive your child, hop in to test your nanny’s driving style to get an idea what she’s like on the road and ensure she drives safely. Also, make sure your child uses seat belts and uses a child seat if you have a small child.
Your children get excited when they see your nanny. Kids love to be with warm, loving and persevering nannies and will look forward to playing with her. Your children might even miss your nanny when she’s not present and ask you when they will see her again.
An added benefit is if you also like having her around. Some parents like their nannies so much they could be friends if they didn’t have a nanny-parent relationship.
She keeps you up-to-date on what’s going on. Dedicated nannies let you know at the end of the day how the day was or keep you informed via other means like texting your or keeping a daily report. She understands you are want to know how your child is doing and will tell you if your child has any issues whether small or big.
Your kids go on and on about what your nanny. They talk about what they did and talked with your nanny. Your kids might even ask you when they get to do thing x again. If you have a nanny who truly loves being with your kids, they will know it. Nannies who enjoy their job also make kids happier.
Your child and his/her room are clean. Your nanny maintains good hygiene practices. She takes care of your child’s cleanliness and teaches your child why and how important hygiene is.
She will teach your child to clean your child’s room and will lead by example. When you come home, you will be delighted to see your child’s room is clean and tidy.
Your child creates. Makes songs, creates crafts, shows the creative projects he/she has done etc. Children are creative and curious.
Good nannies are aware of it and cultivate children’s curiosity. They will encourage children to think, do with their hands, use imagination, teach them new skills and seek answers to your child’s questions.
Your nanny arrives on time. She always tells you early if she can not make in time or is unable to come due to an emergency. Your Nanny will also help you to find a replacement for her to take care of your children. She tends to your needs and complies to the terms in the contract.