Tips to make your Trip with Nany More Enjoyable

Not many people can afford to have a nanny, so much more traveling with nanny. But if you can, having a nanny join your trips can give you an extra set of hands to help with whatever your kids need. Plus with a nanny to take care of your kids, you and your partner can get to have more time on your own. 

Setting paperworks aside, we have come up with some practical tips that can make your future trips with your nanny more fun and enjoyable for both parties.

Tips to make your Trip with Nany More Enjoyable

1. Discuss the expectations and responsibilities before the trip.

Good communication allows you and your nanny to be on the same page when it comes to expectations and responsibilities during the trip. 

Traveling with your Nanny Making the best out of your trip

When you are doing your vacation plans, include the specifics about nanny expectations and responsibilities, and make sure to communicate that before the trip. That way, you can avoid situations where you feel disappointed because your nanny did not do what you expected her to do. 

Some of the specific tasks your nanny can do during the trip includes:

2. Pay your nanny fairly.

We get it that an all-expense paid vacation is a nice perk. But you should not replace your nanny’s wage with free vacations. When she returns home, she still has bills to pay.

So if you go on a vacation with your nanny, pay her for every hour she has worked. Any extra hours worked over what’s in the contract should be considered an overtime.

3. Cover all travel expenses.

Remember that your nanny wouldn’t incur any trip-related costs if you did not let her join your trip. Since you are taking your nanny on a trip, you have to pay for her flights, accommodations, activities and even meals even if she takes it on her own. 

Sometimes, this can be tricky especially when eating out. During your vacation, you are most likely to eat out at least one meal each day. And while it is your responsibility to pay for your nanny’s meal, it also doesn’t mean that she can order lobster and other expensive courses every time. That is, unless you have an unlimited budget.

To avoid overspending on your nanny’s meals, you need to discuss with her how much you are comfortable spending on each meal for her, keeping in mind the pricing of the restaurants you plan to visit. This also allows your nanny not to feel uncomfortable whenever she will order her food. 

4. Give your nanny downtime.

If you are going on a long vacation, make sure to give your nanny downtime so that she can also relax and do her personal things. Without downtime, your nanny can be completely burned out even before the end of your trip.

Traveling with your Nanny

If a day-off is not possible, maybe you can agree on a couple of mornings or afternoons off to do what she wants. 

It’s a good idea to be transparent with your nanny regarding your itinerary and schedules. You also need to include the day or hours when she will be relieved from her work so that she can also plan ahead on what to do during her free hours or days.

5. Maintain open communication.

Open communication is key to making the best out of your trip. Just like when you are at home, communication helps both parties see eye to eye. 

Sometimes, even with a very detailed plan that covers your expectations and responsibilities of the nannies, you may still miss some details. If during the trip, there’s something that you want your nanny to do or not do, communicate that to her. This way you will not end up being frustrated with her.

6. Give her a day off when you return from your trip.

It may seem impractical to give someone a day-off after a vacation. But nannies would greatly appreciate this especially after a long return trip. Of course you can only do this if practicable on your end as well. 

What If the Nanny Will Say No…

As exciting a vacation may seem, some nannies may still think it’s not for them. Maybe the nanny does not feel comfortable travelling or does not like your destination. For whatever reason she might give, you should respect that decision. 

If you are a frequent traveler and you require a nanny who can travel with you, you may consider this as an important factor when choosing a nanny. This way, you can expect your nanny to join you in all your trips.

At Kiidu, all our nannies are trained to assist a family in every occasion, whether at home or while traveling. We will find you a nanny that matches your travelling needs.

How to Find a Nanny for Your Trips

Taking care of your kids while on a trip requires special skills, training and experience. Every trip is a unique experience and traveling with nanny should be able to handle any kind of situation associated with travelling. That is why at Kiidu, we train our nannies to be versatile so that they can serve your family’s needs even during vacation trips.

If you are looking for a nanny who can go with you in all your vacation travels, check out our professional nannies. Outside of travels, they are available on a live-in or live out arrangement.

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