Driving is a skill that requires practice and knowledge. Unfortunately, many drivers make common mistakes while behind the wheel which can lead to dangerous situations. In this article, we will explore some of the most common driving errors you need to know to stay safe on the road.

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Common Driving Errors You Should Avoid

  1. Not Paying Attention

One of the biggest mistakes drivers make is not paying attention when they are behind the wheel. This includes texting or talking on their phone, eating, drinking, changing radio stations, etc.

Drivers need to focus solely on driving and avoid any distractions that could take away from their concentration.

  1. Improper Mirror Adjustments

Improper mirror adjustments can be a major safety hazard when driving. When mirrors are not adjusted properly, drivers may have difficulty seeing other vehicles or objects in their blind spots.

This can lead to accidents and collisions that could otherwise have been avoided if the driver had taken the time to adjust their mirrors correctly.

All drivers need to make sure they take the time to check and adjust their vehicle’s side view and rear-view mirrors before getting on the road.

  1. Speeding

Another major mistake made by many drivers is speeding. Excessive speed increases your chances of getting into an accident as it reduces reaction time and makes it harder for other vehicles around you to anticipate your movements correctly.

Drivers should always obey posted speed limits and drive at a safe speed according to conditions such as weather or traffic congestion levels.

  1. Failure to Use a Turn Signal

Failing to use a turn signal when driving is an important safety issue that should not be taken lightly.

Not only can it lead to traffic violations, but also potential accidents and injuries if other drivers are unaware of the intended direction of travel.

All drivers need to remember to always use their turn signals before turning or changing lanes to alert other vehicles on the road.

This simple action could save lives and prevent costly damages from occurring due to negligence or carelessness behind the wheel.

  1. Tailgating

Following too closely behind another vehicle can be extremely dangerous as it leaves little room for error if something unexpected happens ahead of you (such as sudden braking).

Drivers should maintain a two-second gap between them and other cars to ensure there is enough space for emergency manoeuvres if needed without causing an accident with another car nearby.

  1. Turning off your high beams

One of the most common driving errors you need to know is turning off your high beams. High beams are a great way to see more clearly at night, but they can also be dangerous when used in certain situations.

When approaching other vehicles or pedestrians, drivers must turn their high beams off so as not to blind them and create an unsafe situation on the road.

It’s also important for drivers to remember that even if there isn’t another vehicle around, leaving your high beam lights on will still reduce visibility and make it difficult for you to spot potential hazards ahead of time.

  1. Improper Lane Changes/Turns

Making improper lane changes or turns can also increase your risk of being involved in an accident due to a lack of visibility or misjudging distances between yourself and other vehicles near you.

Before making any kind of manoeuvres, drivers must check all mirrors carefully before proceeding so they have full awareness of what’s happening around them.

  1. Using the Breaks

One of the most common driving errors you need to know is not using your brakes properly. It’s important to use both brakes when slowing down or stopping, as this will help keep control and reduce skidding on wet roads.

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Make sure that you press firmly but slowly on the brake pedal so that it doesn’t lock up and cause a skid.

In addition, make sure to leave enough space between yourself and other vehicles in front of you so that if they stop suddenly, you have time to react accordingly with your brakes.

  1. Improper Seated Position

One of the most common driving errors is an improper seated position. This means that you are not sitting in a comfortable and safe position while behind the wheel.

It can lead to fatigue, poor visibility, and even an accident if your body isn’t properly supported by your seatbelt or headrests.

To ensure proper seating posture when driving, make sure your back is straight against the seatback with both feet flat on the floorboard and hands at 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock positions on the steering wheel.

Additionally, adjust mirrors so they provide adequate vision without having to turn around or lean forward too much.

  1. Utilizing Daylight at Night

Utilizing Daylight at Night is one of the most common driving errors you need to know. This error occurs when drivers fail to adjust their headlights and taillights for night-time conditions, resulting in decreased visibility and increased risks of collisions.

To prevent this from happening, drivers must check their lights before they start driving during the evening or night-time hours.

Additionally, using high beams can help increase visibility while on dark roads. By being aware of these potential issues and taking steps to avoid them, drivers can ensure a safe journey no matter what time of day they are traveling.

  1. Changing Lanes while Crossing

One of the most common driving errors you need to know is changing lanes while crossing. This can be a very dangerous manoeuvres and should only be done when necessary.

It’s important to always check your surroundings before making any sudden lane changes, as it could lead to an accident or even worse, injury or death.

When in doubt, stay in one lane until you have safely crossed over into another lane without putting yourself or other drivers at risk.

  1. Violate a Yellow Light at Speed

One of the most common driving errors you need to know is running a yellow light at speed. This can be dangerous and lead to serious consequences if an accident occurs.

Drivers need to remember that when they see a yellow light, it means stop unless it is unsafe or impossible to do so.

Running through a yellow light at high speeds increases the risk of collision with other vehicles and pedestrians in the area, which could result in injury or death.

  1. Stop Suddenly Without Notification

One of the most common driving errors you need to know is stopping suddenly without notification.

This can be dangerous for other drivers on the road, as it gives them no warning that you are about to stop and they may not have enough time to react or slow down to avoid a collision.

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All drivers need to remember this rule and make sure they give adequate notice when coming to a complete stop so everyone else on the road has enough time to adjust their speed accordingly.


By avoiding these common driving errors, you can help keep yourself –and those around you–safe while out on the roads!

Always remember that safety comes first when operating a motor vehicle; pay close attention, drive within posted speed limits, maintain proper distance from other cars, and use caution when turning or changing lanes!
